I've been working ( well due to recent 'quit-job-at-cafe-mission :worked) as a barrista for 4 years now. I made coffees for coin to get myself through TAFE, and then worked to get myself set up after tafe, and then again when everything crashed down around me (as it does when you experiment with business ideas.... It's never a bad thing-live and learn) I worked to get myself back on my feet...again.
China drinks coffee, Australia, USA, Africa, Korea, and kazakstan drink coffee.
Now I know a weekely ritual of mine is to catch up with friends and have a coffee. I've met some of my closest friends through having a coffee. Most of my business meetings are conducted over a coffee.
Now, if my-caffeinated-self and a vast majority of the world can sit with strangers, friends, lovers; and drink black, sweet, decaf, strong, weak or the significally shit coffee; and laugh and bring a little bit of joy into our daily routine, then why can't we do this with the whole world!

Imagine how happy the world would be if we all smiled for every mouthful of coffee we took!
Cheers big ears!
It only just dawned on me the other day that us smelly human beings have one thing in coffee. One common denominator that brings us all together. We are a world bought together by coffee.
Some drink it black, some with milk and two, some have it half strength extra hot and with extra chocolate.
But no matter who we are or how we drink it- it's a huge influence on almost every human being's life.
I was driving through a tiny country town the other day, the ones that really only have a truckstop, a few dead car bodies and some empty goonsacks on the footpaths; when I saw an old rusty rundown corner shop with big words COFFEE-FUEL-BURGERS. (I think if they had enough room they could have put SYPHILLIS on it too). Now, with my 4 years of experience of coffee behind me (oh ladi fuckin da) I knew that the coffee there would either be instant or badly made. (Not that it would matter as the targeted market of customers who stopped there for coffee had probably consumed a cask of goon the night before, naked, in the gutter and had burped the alphabet through toothless gums in praise to the Goon God).
Some drink it black, some with milk and two, some have it half strength extra hot and with extra chocolate.
But no matter who we are or how we drink it- it's a huge influence on almost every human being's life.
I was driving through a tiny country town the other day, the ones that really only have a truckstop, a few dead car bodies and some empty goonsacks on the footpaths; when I saw an old rusty rundown corner shop with big words COFFEE-FUEL-BURGERS. (I think if they had enough room they could have put SYPHILLIS on it too). Now, with my 4 years of experience of coffee behind me (oh ladi fuckin da) I knew that the coffee there would either be instant or badly made. (Not that it would matter as the targeted market of customers who stopped there for coffee had probably consumed a cask of goon the night before, naked, in the gutter and had burped the alphabet through toothless gums in praise to the Goon God).
After seeing this made me think- everybody drinks coffee. It has made more of an impression on the world than computers have.
In the Egyptian ages, it was worth more than gold.
In the Egyptian ages, it was worth more than gold.
Further on down the timeline, it was used as currency.
And it is to this day is drunk by naked saggy titted tribes (no fense guys!) as a daily ritual, to the yuppies who refuse to pay less than $5 for a double ristretto non fat extra hot latte; and eveyone in between. It is drunk by Christians, Catholics, some Muslims, some budhists and some more of every religion.

Now I know a weekely ritual of mine is to catch up with friends and have a coffee. I've met some of my closest friends through having a coffee. Most of my business meetings are conducted over a coffee.
Now, if my-caffeinated-self and a vast majority of the world can sit with strangers, friends, lovers; and drink black, sweet, decaf, strong, weak or the significally shit coffee; and laugh and bring a little bit of joy into our daily routine, then why can't we do this with the whole world!
We could stop war with just asking nicely if we could buy the other country a cup of coffee, and just sit back, chill out for a minute and then have a caffeine-driven over excited conversation of how great it would be if the WHOLE world did this every day.
However, until then, I ask you that tomorrow morning when you go to order your coffee, invite some friends along, or just simply smile at the person next to you and as you take that first sip of whatever coffee you're drinking, that you stop and think of all of the happy moments you've had with that little cup in your hand, and think of all of the other human beings in the world just about to take their very first sip of that delicious liquid that unites this tiny world as a whole.

Imagine how happy the world would be if we all smiled for every mouthful of coffee we took!
Cheers big ears!
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