Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The drink for summer- vodka soda and lime

Summer has arrived and I have bad and drunken memories of Gin&Tonics from last years summer.

So I'm back in my yearly summer dillemma. I want something light, refreshing and something that doesn't make me burp like barny of the Simpsons and bloated like that guy off that yoghurt ad.


Vodka, soda and. Dash of lime.

1. Pour a generous or minimus serving of el cheapo (or hexy priced, but why waste money on vodka) vodka.
You can buy a bottle for about $29 at first choice liquor barns.

2. Put a few ice cubes in the glass. This is optional

3. Top up with soda water. You can buy soda water from coles for a miniature .89c!!! Make sure to leave enough room in the glass for the lime.

4. Pour the lime cordial in. Not that nasty green cottees stuff though.
You can buy the proper schweppes stuff at most bottle shops for about $6 for 750ml or something.
Try to leave some cordial left over for the morning hangover. Conveniently enough, a super icy cold glass of lime juice cordial does wonders to a dirty hangover.

So.... $40 with a bit of loose change left over for 20+ drinks and a happy and drunken Zoie.

Cheers, my lovelies! Enjoy the summer heat while you can.

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