Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Okay so I'll admit it. I have yet another addiction. It's consumed my life like some crazy rash...

Well, maybe not a rash.
But you know when you get a rash and it's the only thing on your mind and no matter how hard you try, that little voice from that tiny little rash whispers to you in tiny tingling nerve sensations " itch meeeeeeeeeeee "

And you make that tiny move to scratch it...... And it takes over your whole body and then you become a crusty camomile lotion monster....

Okay, a little too in depth about the itchy 's....

But back to my addiction.... Duh duh duuuuuuuuuuhhhh....

SEINFELD!! I've always loved it, but I was exposed to a few too many episodes lately and I'm now tucked away in bed with a cup of tea, my laptop and the entire series on DVD and match sticks keeping my eyes open until early hours of the morning.

I don't know why I'm addicted to it. Is it the obsession with the 90s daggy fashion and sneakers and hurrendously fitted levi jeans.... or is it the sarcastic American humor.... Maybe it's the fact that they go beyond social boundaries that I would never cross.

Maybe it's the fact that it's a show about nothing, or maybe it may even be the fact that there is a superman in every episode....

I'm stumped on why we get so addicted to such... Err wonderfuly shit shows... But all I know is that 'these pretzels are making me thirsty...'


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