Tuesday, September 16, 2008

This War in Palestines

Today is August 17th, 2004. The terrorists loyal to Muctada al Sader in Najaf are being eliminated by the US military. However what I am seeing is becoming a pattern that indicates this is just a battle within the war. A new war called World War III by the Moslem culture against the rest of the free world has started. They are supported by the dictatorships such as those of the middle east, Cuba, and North Korea.

Frankly, the only country with guts enough to do something is the United States and only because we have GW Bush backing it. A weak, stupid Demoncrap administration could have a devastating impact on the freedom of the whole world.

Moslems believe that the rest of the world outside of Islam is infidel that has to be conquered by the sword. The Moslem culture is extremely intolerant of freedom in any form therefore all other cultures are not tolerated in any way. The Moslems we are fighting love death more than they love life. They think death in a Jihad is going to reward their demented sex starved egos with lots of virgins when they die after killing lots of innocent infidels.

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: "Palestinian" security forces salute during a training session in the West Bank city of Tulkarm. Look familiar?

The United States started battling the Moslems when the Barbary Moslem pirates took American hostages and our fledgling US Marines went over and killed a bunch of the Moslem terrorists of the time. It's immortalized in the Marines song, "to the shores of Tripoli", that's in Lebanon now but that was before Lebanon was a country. But warring with these uncivilized extremists is far older than that.

Idiots from the Arab/Moslem world invaded and took over much of Europe in the Middle Ages. Then they were killed off and kicked out by the Christian Crusaders. Nothing's changed except the technology. And it's the technology of today that the Arab assassins plan to use against us. But on the other hand the Moslem culture produces almost no useful technology, medical advancements or social improvements for the rest of the world to emulate. The Moslem culture is unique in the world in that its primary export is hatred.

9/11 was the first use of our technology against freedom by Moslem assassins. Moslem countries produce a surplus of stupid ignorant hate-filled savages in their Madrassas schools. The Moslem countries have the lowest educational attainment of any modern culture which is strange. Genetically they are identical to their most hated culture the Jews. It is only their death worshiping religion that warps their minds, not their intelligence.

There will be no front in this war. The locations will shift around the world invisibly but the danger will be from the sneaky ways they use to kill people. Car and truck bombs are popular as are bomb belts. Their "leaders" take some brainwashed Moslem and sell him on the idea that he'll get sex in Heaven after he blows himself up. Terrific, what if it doesn't happen once they get to Heaven? Or do they go directly to Hell instead?

Anyway, I'm going to start putting the Moslem Terrorist, Radical Islam, and other aspects of this new war on this page. The war is happening whether we like it or not. And it'll be going on a long time because it'll never be settled until we kill off all the terrorists, all their religious leaders, all their supporters, and change all the governments of the countries that harbor, train and support them. And to be honest, we need to get their murderous pedophile prophet, Mohammed, to repent for all the death and destruction he's created since he wrote his book of hate. The Quran needs a serious rewrite to fit in with the rest of the world and leave the world in peace, not subjugation to the stupidity espoused by its current Moslem leaders.


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