Monday, September 29, 2008

The American Muslim - TAM - The Originals

(Note: The American Muslim is not and never has been in any way affiliated with the Muslim American Society or their publication also called by the same name (since 2001) as our original The American Muslim which has been published in print or online since 1989.)


Sheila Musaji - articles by Sheila Musaji

9-24-2008 SEE: Resources for Responding to “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War With the West” DVD Mass Distribution to 28 million Americans. Who is behind Relentless, Obsession and The Third Jihad? for a background on those responsible for the production, mass distribution, and promotion of the film. In-Depth Summary & Analysis of “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War on the West” for a point by point discussion of the film.

MUSLIMS DENOUNCE TERRORISM - If you would like to place this icon on your website, please contact us and we will send you the artwork file. We have had a quantity of these made up in “Euro-style” 4 X 6” oval bumper stickers. We would like to have these seen on cars everywhere, and so are making them available at the best price possible. Contact us to purchase these at $1 each.

Appeal to the Muslim Community in the West - There are many items listed in our ACTION section that allow individuals to take a stand on important issues. Some of these issues of importance to the Muslim community have very surprisingly received little attention. We update this with new action alerts regularly. Some of the most important are: Sign statement to affirm Freedom of Faith in Islam - “Freedom of faith and religion is meaningless without the freedom to change one’s faith.” Add your name to those who endorse the Amman statement of 2005. Sign statement against domestic violence. When people of faith join with other community leaders to address domestic violence, we will see ancient roadblocks turn into resources that save lives and bring healing. Please join other people of faith in signing the Declaration. Any Muslim can endorse “A Common Word Between Us and You” by going to the site and clicking on endorse here. Sign and donate to A PAX ON BOTH OUR HOUSES interfaith peace effort. This effort was spearheaded by Rabbi Arthur Waskow of the Shalom Center, and has been endorsed by more than 60 nationally and internationally recognized Christian, Jewish, and Muslim leaders.

Articles from print issues of TAM going online. You may have noticed that we have been able to get volunteers to help get all of the old articles from the print issues of TAM scanned, retyped, and edited, and are working hard to get these online a few at a time. Wherever you see an * after an article that is one of the old issues from 1989 to 1995. What is fascinating is how many are still relevant.

AMERICAN MUSLIM RESOURCES (collections of articles and references which are updated regularly)

- Qur’an & Hadith against extremism (see also power point presentations)
- Part I Fatwas
- Part II Statements by Organizations
- Part III Statements and Articles by Individuals (see also power point presentations)
- Part IV A Few Quotes A-K, and A Few Quotes L-Z
- Part V The Muslim Majority Who Don’t Get Publicity (see also power point presentation)
- Muslims and Arabs in the U.S. Military
- Selective Hearing of Muslim Voices Against Extremism
- Sunni Shia Unity Resource - collection of articles
- Muslim Voices Promoting Islamic Non Violent Solutions NEW 4/08

ISLAMOPHOBIA - RESPONSES (The responses section was divided into into five sections on 12/16/07)
- Responses to Claims Made ABOUT Islam and Muslims in General
- Responses to Claims Made ABOUT Qur’an Verses, Arabic Terms, Prophet Muhammad
- Responses to False Claims ABOUT Muslim Individuals & Organizations & Incidents Involving Muslims
- Responses to Actual Extremist Statements & Incidents of Extremism or violence BY Muslims
- Responses to Claims Made BY Specific Individuals and Organizations About Muslims

- Polls, statistics, and surveys relating to Islam and Muslims
- Claim That All Terrorists are Muslims Ignores History (sections on Christian extremism and terrorism and Jewish extremism and terrorism were divided 4/08)
- Alarming Statements 1 - 2000 and before
- Alarming Statements 2 - 2001-2005
- Alarming Statements 3 - 2006
- Islamophobia - Alarming statements - Part 4 - 2007 and 2008
- Prejudice, Racist, or Violent Incidents at MOSQUES
- Incidents, hate crimes
- MEDIA, Propoganda & Perception
- Islamophobia: Real or imagined NEW 4/18/08
- A Long History of Injustice Ignored
(see also power point presentations)

- American Muslim Community - Authority, Leadership, Community building
- Apostasy and Freedom of Faith in Islam - NEW 3/08
- America’s Image (How Others See Us)
- Answers to Some Questions non-Muslims Ask
- Art, Architecture, Muslic, Calligraphy, Poetry
- Civil Rights and the Patriot Act
- Clash/Dialogue of Civilizations - Orientalism
- Democracy and Political Order
- Debates
- Domestic Violence and abuse in the Muslim community - New 3/08
- Double Standards, Corruption, and Secrecy
- Educating About Islam
- Environment and Ecology in Islam
- Evangelizing Muslims and Jews, the New Crusade
- Freedom of Thought, IJTIHAD, Interpretation, IJMA, Islamization of Knowledge
- Globalization
- Gender Issues
- Greater Middle East Initiative
- Hirabah - Jihad - Terrorism - Violence - Just War - Crusades
- Humor and Satire
- In Memorium
- Iraq War
- Islam in America
- Interfaith Dialogue Issues
- Israeli Lobby
- Justice (Social & Economic) and Human Rights
- LABELS -Moderate-Liberal-Secular-Progressive-Fundamentalist-Militant-Reconstructionist-Wahabi-Salafi
- Minorities, Multiculturalism, Pluralism, Diversity, MUSLIM MINORITY COMMUNITIES
- Neo-Cons, Right Wing
- Oil and Politics
- Palestine and Israel (see also power point presentations)
- Qur’an and Hadith
- Refugees
- Religion Building
- Religious Extremism, Religious Right
- Religious Heroism, the Real Jihad
- Resources for New Muslims
- Rumors, Conspiracy Theories, Urban Legends, Hoaxes
- Separation of Church and State
- Secularism - Modernity - Nationalism
- Shariah, Fiqh, Islamic Law
- Spirituality - Spiritual Worldview - Philosophy - Sufism
- War on Terror

We are working to complete additional categories and will get them online as part of this series as soon as possible. We will update these regularly, and would appreciate information about any items that are missing. The next time someone says “where are the Muslim voices?”, or “why don’t the Muslims speak up?” refer them to this resource.


KEY WORD SEARCH - Many current issues are discussed in articles or referred to in news items - we have attempted to use a key word to make it easy to find all the references to a particular topic by simply typing the key word (a few are listed below in all caps) in the TAM search field.

Over the last few years there have been a number of articles in the news that are basically PROPOGANDA. There have been hundreds of incidents and STATEMENTs made that are seen by many Muslims as ISLAMOPHOBIA. MOSQUEs have been vandalized and attacked. Our CIVIL RIGHTS have been limited, and there have even been calls for INTERNMENT. A movement to reform Islam called RELIGION BUILDING has been initiated which would deform, not reform Islam. False accusation have been made, for example that non-Muslims in IRAN would be forced to wear a special BADGE, and some strange translations of AHMADINEJAD’s speeches that made it appear that he said something he did not, and many of those accused of various crimes have been CLEARED. The Afghan APOSTASY case and the CARTOON controversy were blown out of proportion.

In many Muslim countries - IRAN, LEBANON, PALESTINe, SUDAN, BOSNIA, etc. we have seen crisis after crisis. We have seen sectarian violence between SHIA and Sunni and thankfully many calls for unity. We have also seen a lot of discussion about the Greater Middle East (GME) and what that really means. There has been a lot of discussion about the Israeli LOBBY and the extent of its influence on U.S. Foreign Policy. And, of course the influence of OIL on all of these political issues.

JUSTICE seems to be the only thing that EXTREMISTs of all persuasions are unable to feel strongly about in their push for a CLASH of Civilizations and their avoidance of DIALOGUE. Muslims in general have been accused of not speaking out against terrorism and extremism although they have spoken loudly and clearly (MAE). There has been a rise in the numbers of religious EXTREMISTs including those who are wishing for ARMAGEDDON and DIALOGUE is becoming difficult.

Source :

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