Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Eid Takbeer from Mecca

How to Say the Eid Takbir

The day of Eid starts with the chanting of the takbir. On the way to the Eid ground, it is takbir. On the way back it is takbir.

It was reported that Sa`id ibn Jubayr said, "Three things are Sunnah (prophetic traditions, preferred to be followed by Muslims) on Eid: to walk (to the place of prayer), to take a bath, and to eat before coming out (if it's Eid al-Fitr)." People should exchange greetings on Eid. They walk to prayer wearing their best clothes and change their route on returning. It is also considered a good Islamic practice to visit one another and exchange gifts.

How to Perform the Eid Prayer

Muslims have no public celebrations apart from Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. The Prophet said what means: "Every nation has its festival, and this is your festival." Here, he referred to the fact that these two Eids are exclusively for the Muslims.

The time for Eid Prayer is when the sun has risen about three meters (10 feet) above the horizon. Eid Prayers cannot be said after midday. It is better to hold Eid Prayers in the open if there is no rain or bad weather. The Prophet never performed Eid Prayers in the mosque except once due to rain.

There is neither Adhan (call to prayer) nor Iqamah (second call to prayer) for these prayers, which consist of two rak`ahs with twelve takbirs (Allahu Akbar); seven in the first rak`ah and five in the second. After performing prayer, the imam delivers a khutbah (sermon, speech) just like Friday khutbah.

The following is the Eid Takbir:

"Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar,
La Ilaha Il-Allah.
Allahu Akbar,
Allahu Akbar
wa Lillahil Hamd!"

Translates to:
"Allah is the Greatest!
Allah is the Greatest!
Allah is the Greatest!
There is none worth worhsipping except Allah!
Allah is the Greatest!
Allah is the Greatest!
And to Allah is all gratification!"

The Prophet (pbuh) prayed: 'O Allah! Grant us so much (Thy) fear that it may serve as a barrier between us and our sins; and bestow upon us Thy obedience that it may help us to reach Thy Paradise; and grant us so much faith that it may help us to face the misfortunes of this world easily. O Allah! bless us to benefit from our powers of hearing and seeing and vigour so long as Thou does grant us life and make our heirs (beneficiaries) of them; and afflict with our rancour those who oppress us, and help us against those who hate us; do not entangle us in the difficulties of our religion; and do not make the world our main object, and the extent our knowledge; and do not appoint over us persons who will not show mercy to us.' (Tirmidhi)

Ramadan Message 2008 - Day 30 (What To Do After Ramadan?)

“He who observed the fast of Ramadan and then followed it with six (fasts) of Shawwal, it would be as if he fasted perpetually.” (Muslim)


For the next few days after Ramadan, we will feel like we are still fasting - avoiding munching and not eager to have a drink. This is normal and natural. After all, we ahve conditioned our bodies not to take food or drink during the day time.

But it is only only in visible in our food habits. We changed our behavior as well during Ramadan - the habit of avoiding lies, vain talk and foul languages, the small sadaqah, tolerance, paying attention to others’ needs and seeking opportunities to help out in our own small ways.

Some psychologists have opined that a good habit takes about three weeks for most people to imbibe. Hence, all the dos and don’t in Ramadan should be easy to keep up after those 4 weeks of intensive Ramadan training, if we have a strong will.

For many millions of Muslims, Ramadan is their month of Islamic identity. This is when they get to show that they are Muslims. This is when they get to do their best in the practise of their deen. They get seen in the mosque in this month more than the whole of the remaining months put together. They are motivated by the rewards accruable therein. Some will thereafter, keep the spiritual goodies of Ramadan long after Ramadan, while others return to their old way of life the moment Ramadan ends. But that is not the purpose of Ramadan. Ramadan is instituted to teach us how to live our lives during the remaining eleven months.

It has been said that the early Muslims would spend the next 6 months after Ramadan, morning its departure, holding unto the lessons derived therein, and sustaining the good deeds and the rewarding actions they picked up in the blessed month. Then they would spend the next five months preparing for the next Ramadan by guarding their actions and maintaining a taqwah state of mind.

With Allah’s guidance, we have been able make some progress this Ramadan, we need to beseech Allah to help us sustain this progress in the months after Ramadan. As with all our efforts in life, we rely on Allah to help in its constant and correct performance that will meet His acceptance.

Even the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) used to supplicate after every salaah: “O Allah, help me to keep Your remembrance, and in thanking You, and in keeping up with my acts of worship.” (Allahumma aa’ini, ala dhikrika, wa shukrika, wa uzni iba’datik.)

After pleading for Allah’s help in keeping up these Ramadan habits, we need a conscious effort on our part not to retreat from this progressive campaign. The best way to do this is to make it regular and constant. In fact, make it daily. Such efforts as: nawafil, sadaqah and recitation of the Qur'an should become part and parcel of our daily activities.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that…the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even though it were little.” (Bukhari) Also fast at least three days in a month if we cannot keep up with the Monday and Thursday weekly fasts.

Then we should make it a duty to evaluate ourselves. Make a list of the habits you have picked up in Ramadan. Then decide on how much and how often you want to carry on with these habits outside Ramadan. With this checklist, you can monitor yourself. Daily could be too cumbersome, but a daily thought about yourself before you sleep is helpful. Weekly is more ideal.

Evaluating oneself is the most difficult job. Most such checklist of goals and plans rarely get written down, and they are hardly regularly checked or evaluated. However, we can achieve this in a group of two close friends watching over each other, comparing notes and activities in a sincere and healthy way. Furthermore, neighbourhood groups dedicated to Qur'an memorisation and knowledge sharing could help to maintain some habits well beyond Ramadan.

Finally, live in fear and hope. Live in fear of death claiming your life and you may meet Allah with loads of shortcomings and inadequacy of good deeds. Live in hope that Allah will reward all your efforts and good intentions. This should keep you going and ensuring that your habits are never abandoned for you do not know which actions of yours will meet with Allah’s mercy, or which inaction of yours could cause your disgrace in the Hereafter. Live with the thoughts of standing before Allah to account for how you always lose your habit immediately after Ramadan and never delivering the goods as expected of you. May Allah save us from such accountability.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Islam is Religion of Peace

he police, government officials and the leaders from within the Moslem community, as always which was expected after these most recent failed horrific terrorist attacks are coming out onto our TV screens saying “Islam is a Religion of Peace”, that these terrorist attacks have nothing to do with Islam.

The central figure within Islam who all Moslems look towards as their example to follow is the false prophet Mohamed. Mohamed founded the Religion Islam upon War & Conquest of lands and commands his followers to do the same when living in non-Islamic societies.

Exactly what Osama Bin Laden is commanding in this modern age!

The Koran teaches that Islam is a Superior way of Life and that all other ways of life are inferior, meaningless and obsolete because Islam is god’s perfect way for mankind. The Koran also teaches that Moslems must subdue the whole Earth under the Islamic way of life – Sharia law. Moslems have to fulfil Islam’s aims and objectives by the Word, meaning the preaching of Islam to the non-Moslem world and by the Sword, meaning forcing Islam upon the non-Moslem world through War.

These are the two faces of Islam, the blood thirsty violent military side seeking to force the non-Moslem world under its dominance through war and the peaceful, so called moderate side seeking to convert the non-Moslem world through the preaching of the Word.

The two voices of the Islamic Kingdom both working together to fulfil Islam’s ultimate goal which is laid down in the Koran which is to convert and subdue the whole world under Islamic rule – Sharia law – through the Caliphate.

When terrorist attacks happen it gives both Islamic voices the platform to assert their dominance upon the world. The military side seeking to scare and intimidate us into Dhimmitude through fear showing us what horror they are capable of on their Koranic mission for Allah, and the moderate side showing the world that they are good peaceful human beings and Moslem.

An ideal way of placing Islam in the human mind!

If you believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace then all I say too you is look at the leadership and way of life in Saudi Arabia, look at the leadership of the Islamic Nation of Iran, look at what used to happen in Islamic Afghanistan under the Taliban, look at Iraq under the leadership of Saddam Hussein and look at Pakistan. These are a few of the Islamic ruled Nations upon the Earth that we look towards as our examples, and in my opinion, based on the facts, they are far from peaceful non-violent countries. The conduct of these Nations leadership’s, and their Moslem citizens is barbaric and savage, so how on Earth can Moslems proclaim that Islam is a religion of Peace when this is the conduct of Moslems in Islamic ruled Nations?

Moslems in Great Britain at this moment in time are ‘peaceful’ because they are living in our Judeo/Christian society under our civilized progressive way of life, with our societal structures in place and are in the minority. Do you honestly think that once their numbers double or triple and they start trying to force their Islamic way of life upon our society more than they are already, that they are still going to be peaceful?

I will say again, all Moslems ultimately want to live under Sharia Law which is the Islamic way of life and we have a 3 million strong force of them in our country. Islam teaches that all other ways of life are inferior to Islamic life and that all Moslems ‘must’ as a religious obligation which is called ‘Jihad’, work towards enforcing Islam as the ultimate rule upon all mankind.

The Word and the Sword go hand in hand so please ignore the lies that “Islam is a Religion of Peace” each Moslem is playing their part to convert you and your way of life into Islamic rule, it is a divine obligation to them as much as it is for me as a Christian to share my faith with you, the only difference is that I will not kill you trying to enforce my faith upon you.

My God is Love not peace through fear and oppression.

Islam means submission to Allah; it is Islam’s agenda laid down in the Koran, to force all mankind into submission to Allah – You cannot escape this fact!!

There is upwards of 3 million Moslems in this country so our leaders have absolutely no choice but to buy into this lie of “Islam is a Religion of Peace”, if they did not, what would the consequence be?

Think about that one!

We are all being duped and made to sleep walk through lies into the hands of Islam because in 20 years the Islamic Kingdom within Great Britain will be the majority and the indigenous British population a minority. If we buy the lie now that Islam is a ‘Religion of Peace’ then in 20 years Islam within Great Britain will have achieved its aims of taking over our country and our way of life and enforcing an Islamic one upon the Nation peacefully through the Word.

The Islamic terrorist’s rock this boat and silent agenda though, because when they attack us in such a horrific manner it wakes the British people up and forces them to start questioning who their Islamic guests are that they have living along side of them in their country that they know absolutely nothing about!!

Then the liars come out on TV to tell the masses of gullible British sheep people who know absolutely nothing about Islam that Islam is a “Religion of Peace”.

They then tuck the gullible British sheep people back into their beds, talking sweet things into their ears which sends them back off to sleep into their false bubble of ‘peace and security’, until the next time the nightmarish murderous Islamic monster arises killing innocent British citizens. Then they wake up again from their sleep; take a little look around, ask a few questions and then the whole process of sending them back of to sleep again starts all over.

Manipulation of the masses of gullible British sheep people that our British non-Moslem children will have too face the full consequences of.

The blood thirsty Islamic Beast is well and truly here within our midst, with its ultimate agenda which is laid down in the Koran and the innocent people of Great Britain should be made aware of the future consequences before it is too late.

We are all walking towards the future and only have to look at the truth in our present reality to see what is heading our way.

Sleep well in your false bubble of ‘peace and security’.

Source : http://lionheartuk.blogspot.com/2007/07/shhhhsleep-sleep-sleepislam-is-religion.html

What's Going on in Indonesia

One months later is our Independence day ceremony , yups 17th August 2008 . its already 64th our country declared the freedom as a free country. 17th August 1945

So many news was give us as a bad country , terrorism , corrupt country number one in the world , poor country . But , as a one of young generation in this country , i just want to write to all the people in the world , we still same country , we still have a kindness person , we still have a good place to visit if you want to have a pleasure for traveling.

Sorry if i don`t have a good English Language here .

Event we are have number one population moslem in the world with bad view , i still can say , there is a peace between moslem and another religion .

There is a proud in my heart as an Indonesian citizen , became a part of this country , same like all the people in the world proud of their country .

Why , if we can shake our hand , stand beside , together life’s in harmony , peace and with green world , cause we are same , human , live in same planet , EARTH.

So i just want to tell you that in Indonesia there is still so many things in good happening , unfortunately not all was blow up to the world , only negative things.

So… if you want to know more about Indonesia , please visit this site , maybe some in Bahasa , cause i very proud with my mother tongue .

There is some pictures interesting in this country .

So… lets built up this world together , with peace and harmony ..

save our earth , save our children , save our future in to the better way

Source : http://realylife.wordpress.com/2008/07/17/whats-going-on-in-indonesia/

What's Going in Indonesia

One months later is our Independence day ceremony , yups 17th August 2008 . its already 64th our country declared the freedom as a free country. 17th August 1945

So many news was give us as a bad country , terrorism , corrupt country number one in the world , poor country . But , as a one of young generation in this country , i just want to write to all the people in the world , we still same country , we still have a kindness person , we still have a good place to visit if you want to have a pleasure for traveling.

Sorry if i don`t have a good English Language here .

Event we are have number one population moslem in the world with bad view , i still can say , there is a peace between moslem and another religion .

There is a proud in my heart as an Indonesian citizen , became a part of this country , same like all the people in the world proud of their country .

Why , if we can shake our hand , stand beside , together life’s in harmony , peace and with green world , cause we are same , human , live in same planet , EARTH.

So i just want to tell you that in Indonesia there is still so many things in good happening , unfortunately not all was blow up to the world , only negative things.

So… if you want to know more about Indonesia , please visit this site , maybe some in Bahasa , cause i very proud with my mother tongue .

There is some pictures interesting in this country .

So… lets built up this world together , with peace and harmony ..

save our earth , save our children , save our future in to the better way

Source : http://realylife.wordpress.com/2008/07/17/whats-going-on-in-indonesia/

How Islamic History Expert: Moslem Peace with Israel? Never

Sharon, speaking at the annual conference of Herzliya’s Counter Terrorism Institute, said that Iran is dead serious about obtaining and using nuclear weapons in order to bring about its vision of an Islamic End of Days.

The veteran expert on Islam says that Western officials fail to grasp that the Arab and Islamic world truly see Israel’s establishment as a “reversal of history” and are therefore unable to ever accept peaceful relations with it. From Moslems’ perspective, “Islamic territory was taken away from Islam by Jews. You know by now that this can never be accepted, not even one meter. So everyone who thinks Tel Aviv is safe is making a grave mistake. Territory which at one time was dominated by Islamic rule, now has become non-Moslem. Non-Moslems are independent of Islamic rule and Jews have created their own independent state. It is anathema. Worse, Israel, a non-Moslem state, is ruling over Moslems. It is unthinkable that non-Moslems should rule over Moslems.”
Sharon dismissed various peace treaties signed by Moslem and Arab officials over the years as "pieces of paper, parts of tactics and strategies… with no meaning."

Sharon’s assessment focused on the danger posed by Iran. From studying Iranian culture, literature, newspapers, broadcasts and interviews with major players in the Islamic regime, Sharon concludes that a deep belief in a Shiite messiah is at the root of Iran’s nuclear project. “They truly believe that the Shiite messiah, the 12th Imam (also known as the Mahdi), is here, and that he will reveal himself… What moves the Iranian government and leadership today is first and foremost the wish to bring about the 12th Imam."

Addressing the theological doctrine of how exactly the this Messiah will be revealed, Sharon explained: "How will they bring him? Through an apocalypse. He (the Mahdi) needs a war. He cannot come into this world without an Armageddon. He wants an Armageddon. The earlier we understand this the better. Ahmadinejad wants nuclear weapons for this!"

Sharon has in the past insisted that the Western world was engaging in great folly by differentiating between radical and peaceful Islam. “All of a sudden we see that the greatest interpreters of Islam are politicians in the Western world,” he wrote sarcastically. “They know better than all the speakers in the mosques, all those who deliver terrible sermons against anything that is either Christian or Jewish. These Western politicians know that there is good Islam and bad Islam. They know even how to differentiate between the two - except that none of them know how to read a word of Arabic.”

“The difference between Judaism, Christianity and Islam is as follows: Judaism speaks about national salvation - namely, that at the end of the story, when the world becomes a better place, Israel will be in its own land, ruled by its own king and serving G-d. Christianity speaks about the idea that every single person in the world can be saved from his sins, while Islam speaks about ruling the world. I can quote here in Arabic, but there is no point in quoting Arabic, so let me quote a verse in English: ‘Allah sent Mohammed with the true religion so that it should rule over all the religions.’

“The idea, then, is not that the whole world would necessarily become Moslem at this time, but that the whole world would be subdued under the rule of Islam.”

That, Sharon insists, is the plan, in black-and-white, of the Iranian regime.

“This is why [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad seeks nuclear weapons,” he emphasized. “The faster we realize this, the better.”

Source : http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/112066


LEAD: Lebanon's main Moslem and Druse leaders, whose rival militias fought pitched battles on the streets of West Beirut only a week ago, announced today that they had closed ranks and had prepared a program that they would offer to the country's Christians in an effort to halt 12 years of civil war.

Lebanon's main Moslem and Druse leaders, whose rival militias fought pitched battles on the streets of West Beirut only a week ago, announced today that they had closed ranks and had prepared a program that they would offer to the country's Christians in an effort to halt 12 years of civil war.

The announcement was made by Prime Minister Rashid Karami after he and four other officials held two days of intensive talks with high-ranking Syrian Government leaders in Damascus.

Also taking part on the Lebanese side were Hussein al-Husseini, the Speaker of Parliament; Education Minister Selim al-Hoss; Justice Minister Nabih Berri, and Public Works Minister Walid Jumblat.

Mr. Berri heads the mainline Shiite Moslem movement Amal, whose fighters were pitted against Mr. Jumblat's Druse forces in six days of major clashes in the Moslem part of the Lebanese capital. Gunmen Are Off the Streets

The Moslem and Druse leaders taking part in the new initiative were the same ones who had asked President Hafez al-Assad of Syria to rush thousands of Syrian troops to West Beirut to end the bloodshed.

The discussions in Damascus were designed to provide a solid political foundation for the security dragnet carried out by Syrian Army units, who have driven the gunmen off the streets of the Moslem part of the capital.

At 22 checkpoints that they and Lebanese policemen have set up in West Beirut, Syrian soldiers have been handing out leaflets, apparently in an effort to explain the objective of the Syrian intervention and to win popular support for it. At the same time, they have put up posters on walls along the streets, urging the public to help in tracking down ''hoodlums and looters.''

One leaflet said, ''We in Syria see the interest of Lebanese as the same as that of the Syrians.'' Another said, ''There will be no more snipers to destroy civilization and kill innocent people.'' #300 Reported Killed According to police statistics, more than 300 people were killed during February in street gun battles, other violent incidents and fighting around Palestinian districts here and in southern Lebanon. In the Palestinian quarters, the fighting has been between Shiite militiamen and guerrillas of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

A police spokesman said a car bomb with 300 pounds of explosives was seized today in the Barbir quarter west of the Green Line, which separates the Moslem sector from Christian East Beirut.

The bomb was dismantled before it could go off and the driver was arrested, the spokesman said. The man was identified as Rida Ahmed Zneit, a Moslem from eastern Lebanon.

The car had crossed from East Beirut and was to have been planted in a crowded area in West Beirut, the spokesman said.

The Moslem radio station Voice of the Homeland asserted that the driver had ''confessed'' that his instructions for planting the booby-trapped vehicle had come from oficials in the Lebanese Forces, a Christian militia. Christians Object to Deployment

Militia commanders and other Christian leaders have voiced strong objection to the deployment of Syrian military units in West Beirut.

In discussing the program prepared today in Damascus, Prime Minister Karami said, ''Agreement has been reached on a draft plan for political reforms.'' He said the program would be offered for consideration at negotiations with the Christian side.

A team of political and military experts appointed by President Amin Gemayel, a Christian, has been holding consultations with the Syrian Vice President, Abdel Halim Khaddam, on ways to bring about reconciliation among the Lebanese factions and re-establish unity in the Lebanese Government. The team is led by a former Foreign Minister, Elie Salem, who is now a political consultant to President Gemayel. For several years, Syria has been the main power broker in Lebanon, and sometimes the mediator between factions.

The decision to negotiate with Christian leaders is the first positive sign since Moslem and Druse officials and politicians began a boycott of Governments meeting led by Mr. Gemayel. The boycott was called after Mr. Gemayel rejected an earlier Syrian-sponsored pact for political restructuring.

The Moslem and Druse leaders are known to be pressing for an equal share in government with the Christians. They want the president's powers to be shifted to the Cabinet so Moslem and Christian ministers can exercise the executive authority collectively.

The conciliatory mood in Damascus today was not matched in southern Lebanon, where rival factions within the Amal movement fought each other today on the main highway linking the ports of Sidon and Tyre. The highway was closed to traffic for several hours.

A statement by the Amal leadership denied news reports that an uprising had occurred within Amal, Lebanon's largest Shiite militia.

There were no immediate reports of casualties. The confrontation was between supporters of Mr. Berri and supporters of a breakaway faction led by Hassan Hashem. Mr. Hashem, once the No. 3 figure in Amal, was relieved of all his posts during elections to the group's leadership a year ago.

In a statement, Mr. Hashem said his followers had beaten back gunmen who laid siege to his home village of Al Marwaniye near Tyre.

Source : http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B0DEFD81631F931A35750C0A961948260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=2

Ramadan Message 2008 - Day 29 (Day of Eid)


WHAT TO SAY ON EID DAY? The day of Eid starts with the chanting of the takbir. On the way to the Eid ground, it is takbir. On the way back it is takbir. From 'Umar and ibn Mas'ud gave the following narration for the takbir: "Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar. La ilaha illallah. Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar wa lillahil-hamd." Translation: Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. There is no God but Allah. Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. All praise belongs to Allah.

The Day of Eid starts with the chanting of the takbir. On the way to the Eid ground, it is takbir. On the way back it is takbir. From 'Umar and ibn Mas'ud gave the following narration for the takbir: "Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar. La ilaha illallah. Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar wa lillahil-hamd." Translation: Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. There is no God but Allah. Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. All praise belongs to Allah.

We praise and thank Allah for sparing our lives to witness this year's Ramadan. Most Muslims today would be happy to see the end of Ramadan, but our seniors in faith used to be sad. First, because they were not very sure their if all of their efforts would be acceptable to Allah. Then, they were not sure if they were able to witness the Night of Power. Further, a month of mercy is going, what joy is in that. Then they would feel sad that they may never be able to see another Ramadan again. We pray Allah give us such iman, piety and understanding.

On the Eid day, we must not fast. Even if we start the day fasting, once it is announced that the moon has been sighted in your community, we are to break that fast, and proceed to perform Eid (if it is still morning) or prepare the next day for Eid.

We must not fast on Eid day even if we vow to fast that day or it is customary for us to fast on that particular day, which now happens to be Eid. "A man vowed to fast one day (possibly a Monday), and that day happened to be Eid day." Ibn 'Umar said, "Allah orders vows to be fulfilled and the Prophet forbade the fasting on this day (i.e. Eid)." (Bukhari)

The Eid of the next few days is Eid-il-Fitr, which the Prophet used to eat before going for the Eid prayers (whereas he doesn't eat for the Eid of the Adha [Sacrifice]). Buraidah reports: "The Prophet would not go out on the day of breaking the fast (Eid-il-Fitr) until he had eaten and on the day of sacrifice (Eid-il-Adha) he would not eat until he had returned [from salaah]." (Tirmidhi)

He encouraged people to wear the best of their clothing. Therefore, we are encouraged to give the Eid our best appearance, with perfumed (the men) and in gold or other jewelry(the women). We are advised to go out in multitude, with all our families and chanting the dhikr.

On your way to and from Eid prayers, you should greet with the salaam and offer a congratulatory prayer to people. "When the companions of the Prophet met each other on the day of 'id, they would say to each other, 'taqabbal minna wa minka [May Allah] accept it from us and you.'" (Ibn Hajar)

There is no nawafil prayer before and after the Eid prayers. Ibn 'Abbas reports: "The Messenger of Allah went out to the site of the E'id prayer and prayed two rakaah of the Eid prayer without praying anything before or after it." (Bukhari) It is usually performed on an open ground on. However, if for some reason we are not able to do this, we are allowed to use the mosque. "The rain fell on the day of 'Id (festival), so the Prophet (peace be upon him) led them (the people) in the Eid prayer in the mosque." (Abu Dawud) After the prayer comes the sermon, both are obligatory for us to consciously observe.

However, if you get to the Eid ground late, do not panic, remember it is a festive day. "If one misses the Eid prayers, he may pray two raka’ah and the same is the case for the women or people in their houses or in the countryside. This is based on the Prophet's words: "O Muslims, this is our festival." Anas ibn Malik ordered his protege (Ibn abi-'Utbah), [who lived] in a remote area, to gather his family and children and to pray [the Eid prayer] like the people in the city and with takbirat similar to theirs. 'Ikrimah said: "The people of the country should gather for the 'id and pray two rakaah as the imam does." 'Ata says: "If you miss the Eid [salaah], pray two rakaah." (Bukhari)

It is also important for women to attend the Eid prayer, even if they are off salaah or poor. They should be dressed up for the day and they are allowed to enjoy the day. Once she asked, "O Allah's Messenger! If a woman has no veil, is there any harm if she does not come out (on 'Id day)?" The Prophet said, "Her companion should let her share her veil with her, and the women should participate in the good deeds and in the religious gatherings of the believers."' (Bukhari 2:96)

America's Islam "Sensitivity" Trainer

When White House officials briefly used the word "crusade" to express American resolve in the war on terror, Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad, professor of the history of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations at Georgetown University scolded them. "It's what the terrorists use to recruit people -- saying that Christians are on a crusade against Islam. It's as bad to their ears as it is when we hear "jihad."

But when the media recently reported American Muslim football teams using such names as "Mujahideen," "Intifada" and "Soldiers of Allah," Haddad rushed to defend the team titles, saying, "Who cares? Why are people so sensitive? Intifada is something that Muslims and Palestinians all approve of. It means ‘just get off my back.' Is the only way we accept [Muslims] is if we devalue their faith?"[1]

In fact, although Haddad has made a name for herself advocating "sensitivity" in the dialogue between Orient and Occident, hers is a one way street, where it is only the West that possesses a deficit of cross civilizational understanding, contrition, and deference. Haddad's double standards are embodied in the very mission statement of Georgetown's Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, which she helps run, proclaiming, "Regrettably, it continues to be imperative to counter the misunderstanding and ignorance of Islam. The Center works to erase the stereotypes and fear that lead to predictions of Islam as the next global threat or a clash of civilizations between the Muslim world and the West." As Haddad would have it, between Occident and Orient, it is exclusively the West that is in desperate need of remedial education.

Haddad's preoccupation with Muslim sensitivity extends to other domains, especially concerning U.S. foreign policy. Since the World Trade Center attacks of 2001, she has used the language multiculturalism and Muslim sensitivity to critique a raft of policy decisions the administration has embarked on. For example, when the US intervened in Afghanistan in the fall of 2001, Haddad reportedly explained, "many Muslims were offended by the U.S. destruction of the Taliban in Afghanistan because the Taliban stood for Islam." Haddad added that liberating Afghan women was counterproductive to U.S. interests, as Muslim women have formed their opinion of American women from watching T.V. reruns of shows like Dynasty and as a result assume American women to be 'whores'. In other words, regardless of national security interests (which never figure in Haddad's commentary on U.S. foreign policy) Afghanistan, in particular, Afghan women, would have been better left to Taliban rule, for fear of offending Muslim sensibilities.

Similarly, Haddad's quest for greater sensitivity towards Muslims prompted her to castigate virtually every domestic response to the Al Qaeda threat. In a speech last spring, Haddad condemned the Patriot Act, saying (falsely) "It basically lifted all legal protection of liberty for Muslims and Arabs in the United States. When the FBI closed down several Islamic charities after discovering they were assisting terrorist organizations, Yvonne protested, "In effect, the American government is perceived by Muslims to have assumed a veto power over zakat (tithe), one of the basic tenets of the Islamic faith." Her conclusion: "The security measures adopted by the Bush Administration are perceived both overseas and among many in the Muslim community in North America not as anti-terrorism but as anti-Muslim."

True to multiculturist form, Yvonne Haddad would have the West respond to its present security challenges, not with statecraft or decisive force, but with apologies. In a forum discussing Pope John Paul II's visit to the Holy Land in 2000, Haddad fixated on what she called an "apology deficit" from the West. "It is a fact that there are some Arab Christians and Muslims who are still waiting for the Jewish people to apologize for what they have done to the Palestinians." In addition, she remonstrated with the Pope for apologizing to Jews for the Holocaust but not apologizing to the Palestinians for what Israel is doing to them. In addition, Haddad called on "somebody like the chief rabbi of Israel" to apologize to Palestinians.

Haddad's case is important because it is symptomatic of what is wrong in much of the academy where matters Middle East and Islamic are concerned. Instead of analysis, apologetics; instead of balance, advocacy, even if this means decrying the removal of the Taliban for fear of upsetting Muslims sensitivities. The American public, students in particular, are entitled to something better; Georgetown should start providing it.

Jonathan Dowd-Gailey is a writer for Campus Watch, lives in Washington State.

Source : http://www.campus-watch.org/article/id/1446

The Face of Islam in America

HARTFORD, Conn. — Ingrid Mattson knows the media drill well.

She has done the "We condemn … (fill in the terrorism incident)" speeches — as if, she says, that's all anyone needs to hear from the president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

She has done the profiles of her as first woman/first convert/first North American-born head of the continent's largest Muslim group.

She has done the talk shows retelling how 20 years ago, she left the Catholicism of her Canadian childhood and her college focus on philosophy and fine arts to find her spiritual home in Islam.

"It's time now to move the focus back off me and back on the issues," says Mattson, a professor at Hartford Seminary, where she directs the first U.S.-accredited Muslim chaplaincy program at the Macdonald Center.

Mattson begins the second half of her two-year term at the society's Labor Day weekend national conference outside Chicago. The annual event draws 40,000 Muslims of every sect, culture, age, race and ethnicity for scores of sessions on faith, family and society and a massive multicultural bazaar.

But two weeks before the conference, sitting with two women in her tiny, book-stuffed office, Mattson has a moment to kick off her shoes. She sheds the long brown jacket stifling her tailored blue blouse, leans back and talks about her vision of American Muslim life and her visiting friend, Heba.

Heba Abbasi, 31, a faithful young Muslim in her snug black headscarf, is a Chicago inner-city public school teacher, a fitness trainer, a Palestinian-American wife with an equally observant mosque-going Indian-American husband. Both are also triathletes training for an event.

"This is who I mean. They are who ISNA has to serve. They are why I'm concentrating on building a strong religious and civic institutional life for Muslims in America. I want to be sure I'm not the first and last young woman leader. Why be a flash in the pan?" says Mattson, who turns 44 on Friday.

A uniquely American Islam

She talks of nurturing a genuine American Islam, rooted in the classical faith, which dates back before the theological, political and legal schisms fractured the Ummah, the Muslim world, centuries ago.

This is the faith she chose at age 23, drawn in, she says, by Islam's beauty, its ethos of service and its synthesis of life and faith in which every act relates to God.

The key is not to confuse the eternal religion — submission to God, respect for the Prophet, prayer, charity and the goal of pilgrimage to Mecca — with Islam's myriad cultural expressions that shift with times and society, Mattson says. Her essays and speeches are threaded with references to the Quran, the Hadith (the sayings of the Prophet) and the Sunna (the record of his practices).

American Muslim men and women alike should be empowered to speak to public policy in all areas — medicine, ethics, law, education, justice, marriage and family life — by drawing from the common wellspring of Islam, she says.

Ask others about Mattson and she sounds like Goldilocks in a headscarf: too liberal for some, too conservative for others, and just right to many young activists.

"I'm proud to have her elected as my president," says Eboo Patel, 31, founder of Chicago's Interfaith Youth Core, which creates social-service opportunities for Muslims, Christians and Jews. He sees Mattson's message come to life in ISNA.

"The bulk of the American Muslim community is very young and overwhelmingly under 40. Increasingly our leadership needs to be people we can relate to," Patel says. "She conducts herself within the ethos of service that unites American and Islam. That's what religious communities can offer at their best, the inspiration to reach out to the world from the basis of your own heritage."

But Pamela Taylor, a co-founder of Muslims for Progressive Values, wants Mattson to push for women to lead congregational prayers.

"I'm worried that she buys into the same logic that can be, and is, used to restrict women from everything: education, political office, even driving," Taylor says.

Roles for women

Mattson shakes off that critique. Yes, she does conclude, based on the Prophet's words, that an imam who leads men and women together in prayer must be male.

However, other religious roles — reciting the Quran, preaching, teaching, scholarship, counseling and issuing legal rulings — are open to all. She's excited about an upcoming book from a noted scholar who has traced female Islamic scholars back 27 generations to the wife of the Prophet. She lists the "man-made obstacles to women's spirituality" that worry her more: misogynistic sermons, misguided and demeaning counseling, limited access to education and scholarship, and prayer spaces for women that are too small, uncomfortable or inaccessible.

As for whether men are in the front of the mosque and women in the rear? "When you are bowed in prayer," says Mattson, "you are not in front or behind any person. You are in front of God. That's the whole point of prayer."

Jamillah Karim, an assistant professor of religion at Spelman College in Atlanta, says Mattson is wise not to focus on women as imams.

"Most women are not overly concerned with this. This is an American religious community still in formation. Women are more interested in issues of family life, traditional concerns such as marriage and divorce," says Karim.

University of Delaware political scientist M.A. Muqtedar Khan gives Mattson mixed reviews. He calls her "an angel" and "the queen of American Muslims." But he adds, "She'll never rock the boat.

"She's not radical on anything. She's allowed ISNA to take strong positions against terrorism, but she'll never be at odds with the government. You won't see any criticism of U.S. policies. You'll see her continue the talk about the diversity within Islam. She'll make her mark as an activist with things like her chaplaincy program but not as a scholar with influential ideas or someone who modernizes thinking within Islam," says Khan.

Won't rock the boat?

Mattson rolls her brown eyes. Headline-making, provocative individual action holds no attraction for her.

"That's the 'great man' theory of history. Look where that's gotten us. I want to build something. I'm interested in long-term institutional strength," she says.

Mercy and caring

Topics at this year's conference include sessions on faith and social justice and community service, and one called "U.S. Sponsored Torture: A Concern for Muslims and All People of Faith."

"If religion is not about expanding the borders of your empathy, you might as well write it off," she says. "Religion is all about extending mercy and caring. If not, it's just tribalism: Muhammad himself said religion should be the opposite."

Mattson says she takes on the controversies, too, confronting in her own way the atheists, ideologues and "Islama-phobes" who say religion is outmoded or Islam is anti-Zionist or, simply, irrationally, fear any Muslims among them.

"These days, if you say anything nice to or about Muslims, it's seen as being soft on terrorism, as if all Muslims were terrorists.

"Anti-Muslim sentiments are used as a way to score points" in politics, she says.

"People see us, they see Heba and her husband, who wears a beard and a kufi (cap), and they have no idea the life they lead."

Or the life that Mattson leads.

If people saw her, covered from her colorful scarf to her long skirt, walking 3 miles home on a steamy summer evening, they would not know:

•She's a mother of two teens.

•She relaxes by mowing the lawn; juvenile rheumatoid arthritis forced her to give up running.

•She kept her name when she married her husband, a Baghdad-born Egyptian engineer whom she met while working with Afghan refugees in Pakistan in the '80s.

Photos of Afghan friends join family snapshots tacked to Mattson's office wall, along with a newspaper photo of an old man swarmed by pigeons he is feeding. It inspires her, she says, because "this is a man who has found exactly what he wants to do."

"What do you want to do?" may be Mattson's favorite question.

When someone asks her guidance, she'll reply: "Be the kind of Muslim you want to be. Do not let other people define your faith for you."

Mattson's Islam? "To glorify God through service to God's creation."

Note: Articles listed under "Middle East studies in the News" provide information on current developments concerning Middle East studies on North American campuses. These reports do not necessarily reflect the views of Campus Watch and do not necessarily correspond to Campus Watch's critique.

Source : http://www.campus-watch.org/article/id/3983

Culture Islam in America

Nonfiction. American Islam. The Struggle for the Soul of a Religion. By Paul M. Barrett. 304 pages. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. $25.

Late last year a conference of accomplished Muslim women gathered at the Westin Hotel near Times Square in New York City to debate how women might exert greater influence on the interpretation of Islamic Scriptures. During a panel discussion, an Iranian- born anthropologist from Britain said she seconded the position taken by the Labor politician Jack Straw that the full facial veils worn by some Muslims have no place in Western society because they erase a woman's humanity.

The conference room seemed to sunder in two. Half the roughly 200 women present erupted in energetic applause, while many of the rest made catcalls, heckling the speaker.

In the post-9/11 world Muslims have frequently been stereotyped as monolithically murderous, all 1.3 billion worldwide lumped together as extremists bent on destroying the West. The heated debates among Muslims themselves about violence committed under the banner of Islam are often drowned out in the fray.

Paul M. Barrett's timely and engaging new book, "American Islam: The Struggle for the Soul of a Religion," brings some of those voices in the United States to life.

The book, a series of seven profiles, draws partly from Barrett's reporting for The Wall Street Journal about Islam in America after the 2001 attacks. (He now works for Business Week.) He sketches a varied cast — with a pronounced skew toward outspoken moderates — to try to illustrate the diversity among American Muslims.

Khaled Abou El Fadl, an Egyptian- born law professor and Islamic scholar at the University of California, Los Angeles, tries to live the moderation he teaches: adopting stray dogs, for example, although many Muslims believe that Scripture condemns dogs as unclean.

There is Osama Siblani, a secular Lebanese Shiite in his early 50s who publishes a weekly newspaper in Dearborn, Michigan. "Since 9/11 I have felt choked," he tells Barrett, a common sentiment among Muslims, who often find themselves in the contradictory position of loving the freedom offered by the United States while abhorring the way the government treats Muslims in the country and abroad.

To describe the African-American Muslim perspective, Barrett spent time with Siraj Wahhaj, a prayer leader who made the rather typical transition from the radicalized Nation of Islam toward more mainstream Sunni Islam. Wahhaj espouses polygamy and refuses to blame Osama bin Laden for the 2001 attacks; African-American Islam, Barrett writes, "lacks fully developed leaders."

"American Islam" mentions in passing, but does not analyze, the pronounced rift between immigrant Muslims and African-Americans, who make up as much as 40 percent of the estimated six million Muslims in the United States. Many African-Americans maintain that Arab and Asian immigrants disdain them as insufficiently orthodox, failing to appreciate the inroads they made for Islam.

"American Islam" lacks figures to represent the conservative or the extremist viewpoint — one difficulty in relying on a series of profiles to illustrate the faith — and the format doesn't allow for an in-depth assessment of Islamic radicalism in the United States.

Barrett refers to a hot debate over the degree to which the creed of the Wahhabis, the puritanical Saudi Arabian sect hostile to non-Muslims, exists here. But aside from a few swipes by Wahhaj at democracy, we hear only from critics of extremism.

It might have been a problem of access: American Muslims are extremely wary of reporters. They feel they were vilified after 9/11, being considered somehow less than loyal Americans.

"American Islam" is perhaps reassuring in noting that Muslims in the United States are more prosperous, better educated and more politically active than immigrants elsewhere in the West. And Barrett's cast implies that there are vigilant Muslims determined to uproot extremists should they try to plant themselves in the United States.

Source : http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/01/04/features/bookfri.php

The American Muslim - TAM - The Originals

(Note: The American Muslim is not and never has been in any way affiliated with the Muslim American Society or their publication also called by the same name (since 2001) as our original The American Muslim which has been published in print or online since 1989.)


Sheila Musaji - articles by Sheila Musaji

9-24-2008 SEE: Resources for Responding to “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War With the West” DVD Mass Distribution to 28 million Americans. Who is behind Relentless, Obsession and The Third Jihad? for a background on those responsible for the production, mass distribution, and promotion of the film. In-Depth Summary & Analysis of “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War on the West” for a point by point discussion of the film.

MUSLIMS DENOUNCE TERRORISM - If you would like to place this icon on your website, please contact us and we will send you the artwork file. We have had a quantity of these made up in “Euro-style” 4 X 6” oval bumper stickers. We would like to have these seen on cars everywhere, and so are making them available at the best price possible. Contact us to purchase these at $1 each.

Appeal to the Muslim Community in the West - There are many items listed in our ACTION section that allow individuals to take a stand on important issues. Some of these issues of importance to the Muslim community have very surprisingly received little attention. We update this with new action alerts regularly. Some of the most important are: Sign statement to affirm Freedom of Faith in Islam - “Freedom of faith and religion is meaningless without the freedom to change one’s faith.” Add your name to those who endorse the Amman statement of 2005. Sign statement against domestic violence. When people of faith join with other community leaders to address domestic violence, we will see ancient roadblocks turn into resources that save lives and bring healing. Please join other people of faith in signing the Declaration. Any Muslim can endorse “A Common Word Between Us and You” by going to the site and clicking on endorse here. Sign and donate to A PAX ON BOTH OUR HOUSES interfaith peace effort. This effort was spearheaded by Rabbi Arthur Waskow of the Shalom Center, and has been endorsed by more than 60 nationally and internationally recognized Christian, Jewish, and Muslim leaders.

Articles from print issues of TAM going online. You may have noticed that we have been able to get volunteers to help get all of the old articles from the print issues of TAM scanned, retyped, and edited, and are working hard to get these online a few at a time. Wherever you see an * after an article that is one of the old issues from 1989 to 1995. What is fascinating is how many are still relevant.

AMERICAN MUSLIM RESOURCES (collections of articles and references which are updated regularly)

- Qur’an & Hadith against extremism (see also power point presentations)
- Part I Fatwas
- Part II Statements by Organizations
- Part III Statements and Articles by Individuals (see also power point presentations)
- Part IV A Few Quotes A-K, and A Few Quotes L-Z
- Part V The Muslim Majority Who Don’t Get Publicity (see also power point presentation)
- Muslims and Arabs in the U.S. Military
- Selective Hearing of Muslim Voices Against Extremism
- Sunni Shia Unity Resource - collection of articles
- Muslim Voices Promoting Islamic Non Violent Solutions NEW 4/08

ISLAMOPHOBIA - RESPONSES (The responses section was divided into into five sections on 12/16/07)
- Responses to Claims Made ABOUT Islam and Muslims in General
- Responses to Claims Made ABOUT Qur’an Verses, Arabic Terms, Prophet Muhammad
- Responses to False Claims ABOUT Muslim Individuals & Organizations & Incidents Involving Muslims
- Responses to Actual Extremist Statements & Incidents of Extremism or violence BY Muslims
- Responses to Claims Made BY Specific Individuals and Organizations About Muslims

- Polls, statistics, and surveys relating to Islam and Muslims
- Claim That All Terrorists are Muslims Ignores History (sections on Christian extremism and terrorism and Jewish extremism and terrorism were divided 4/08)
- Alarming Statements 1 - 2000 and before
- Alarming Statements 2 - 2001-2005
- Alarming Statements 3 - 2006
- Islamophobia - Alarming statements - Part 4 - 2007 and 2008
- Prejudice, Racist, or Violent Incidents at MOSQUES
- Incidents, hate crimes
- MEDIA, Propoganda & Perception
- Islamophobia: Real or imagined NEW 4/18/08
- A Long History of Injustice Ignored
(see also power point presentations)

- American Muslim Community - Authority, Leadership, Community building
- Apostasy and Freedom of Faith in Islam - NEW 3/08
- America’s Image (How Others See Us)
- Answers to Some Questions non-Muslims Ask
- Art, Architecture, Muslic, Calligraphy, Poetry
- Civil Rights and the Patriot Act
- Clash/Dialogue of Civilizations - Orientalism
- Democracy and Political Order
- Debates
- Domestic Violence and abuse in the Muslim community - New 3/08
- Double Standards, Corruption, and Secrecy
- Educating About Islam
- Environment and Ecology in Islam
- Evangelizing Muslims and Jews, the New Crusade
- Freedom of Thought, IJTIHAD, Interpretation, IJMA, Islamization of Knowledge
- Globalization
- Gender Issues
- Greater Middle East Initiative
- Hirabah - Jihad - Terrorism - Violence - Just War - Crusades
- Humor and Satire
- In Memorium
- Iraq War
- Islam in America
- Interfaith Dialogue Issues
- Israeli Lobby
- Justice (Social & Economic) and Human Rights
- LABELS -Moderate-Liberal-Secular-Progressive-Fundamentalist-Militant-Reconstructionist-Wahabi-Salafi
- Minorities, Multiculturalism, Pluralism, Diversity, MUSLIM MINORITY COMMUNITIES
- Neo-Cons, Right Wing
- Oil and Politics
- Palestine and Israel (see also power point presentations)
- Qur’an and Hadith
- Refugees
- Religion Building
- Religious Extremism, Religious Right
- Religious Heroism, the Real Jihad
- Resources for New Muslims
- Rumors, Conspiracy Theories, Urban Legends, Hoaxes
- Separation of Church and State
- Secularism - Modernity - Nationalism
- Shariah, Fiqh, Islamic Law
- Spirituality - Spiritual Worldview - Philosophy - Sufism
- War on Terror

We are working to complete additional categories and will get them online as part of this series as soon as possible. We will update these regularly, and would appreciate information about any items that are missing. The next time someone says “where are the Muslim voices?”, or “why don’t the Muslims speak up?” refer them to this resource.


KEY WORD SEARCH - Many current issues are discussed in articles or referred to in news items - we have attempted to use a key word to make it easy to find all the references to a particular topic by simply typing the key word (a few are listed below in all caps) in the TAM search field.

Over the last few years there have been a number of articles in the news that are basically PROPOGANDA. There have been hundreds of incidents and STATEMENTs made that are seen by many Muslims as ISLAMOPHOBIA. MOSQUEs have been vandalized and attacked. Our CIVIL RIGHTS have been limited, and there have even been calls for INTERNMENT. A movement to reform Islam called RELIGION BUILDING has been initiated which would deform, not reform Islam. False accusation have been made, for example that non-Muslims in IRAN would be forced to wear a special BADGE, and some strange translations of AHMADINEJAD’s speeches that made it appear that he said something he did not, and many of those accused of various crimes have been CLEARED. The Afghan APOSTASY case and the CARTOON controversy were blown out of proportion.

In many Muslim countries - IRAN, LEBANON, PALESTINe, SUDAN, BOSNIA, etc. we have seen crisis after crisis. We have seen sectarian violence between SHIA and Sunni and thankfully many calls for unity. We have also seen a lot of discussion about the Greater Middle East (GME) and what that really means. There has been a lot of discussion about the Israeli LOBBY and the extent of its influence on U.S. Foreign Policy. And, of course the influence of OIL on all of these political issues.

JUSTICE seems to be the only thing that EXTREMISTs of all persuasions are unable to feel strongly about in their push for a CLASH of Civilizations and their avoidance of DIALOGUE. Muslims in general have been accused of not speaking out against terrorism and extremism although they have spoken loudly and clearly (MAE). There has been a rise in the numbers of religious EXTREMISTs including those who are wishing for ARMAGEDDON and DIALOGUE is becoming difficult.

Source : http://www.theamericanmuslim.org/

American Islam

One of the striking things about mainstream journalism in post-9/11 America has been the scant attention paid to the nation's Muslim community. There were, of course, plenty of stories on the many immigrants taken into detention after the terrorist attacks and on the questioning of large numbers of Muslims by law enforcement officials. But compared with the enormous amount of copy that newspapers devoted to the pederast priest scandals, the coverage of American Muslims has been seriously inadequate. Given the size and importance of the community—it's no understatement to say that it is the first line of defense against jihadist attack—the lack of reporting has been a dramatic failing of the American media.

There were a few exceptions, and one was a series of Page One stories that Paul M. Barrett wrote for the Wall Street Journal in 2003. Those articles provided the basis for American Islam: The Struggle for the Soul of a Religion, a book that fills a real need and does so remarkably well. (Full disclosure: Paul Barrett is an old friend and former colleague.) American Islam does not give us the entire picture of what is going on among believers of the nation's fastest-growing religion. Nothing could. But through a group of seven profiles, it delivers a set of powerful insights about Muslim life in the United States and the tensions that are shaping the community—or, more accurately, communities, since there is a fractious diversity of Muslims in the United States.

As you might imagine, American Islam is a study of people caught in the crosscurrents. Some are trying to navigate between the roles of dexterous insider and outraged outsider. Others are trying to push their fellow Muslims to adopt changes that are at odds with hundreds of years of tradition. Others still are re-litigating ancient struggles—such as between mysticism and orthodoxy—in a New World setting. Several are trying to champion a tolerant, ecumenical version of Islam against one that seems increasingly insular and xenophobic.

In that sense, the book poses the question that really is the central one not only for Muslims but all Americans: Is radicalism going to gain a real foothold here?

Barrett's carefully crafted approach is a smart one because of the paucity of sociological data on Islam in the United States. We don't even know how many Muslims there are in the country; the Census Bureau doesn't ask about religious affiliation. Estimates by Muslim groups put the number at 6 million or higher, but these are truly rough guesses; as Barrett notes, the best guess is between 3 and 6 million. The number of mosques is also a matter of dispute, as is the degree of religious observance within communities. Trying to get a sense of the relative strength of different strains of thought among American Muslims is maddeningly difficult.

So, instead of giving us unsubstantiated generalizations, Barrett looks closely at the micro-environments of his seven subjects. Among them are a colorful newspaper publisher of Lebanese Shiite origins who is a power broker in Michigan's large and politically influential Muslim community, and noted Kuwaiti-born scholar Khaled Abou el Fadl, who challenged fellow Muslims to speak out against the attacks of 9/11, becoming something of a pariah. A chapter on Siraj Wahhaj, a radical-leaning imam in Brooklyn, traces the complicated story of African-American Islam, whose adherents compose a fifth of the country's Muslim population but who have tense relations with Muslims of foreign ancestry, as well as attachments to figures such as Malcolm X and Louis Farrakhan that are shared by no other Muslims.

In telling these stories, Barrett exercises great restraint, avoiding the temptation to generalize on the basis of individual experiences. The book—which I thought was a great read—does not overinterpret, letting the reader instead, for example, hear the unadorned story of Abdul Kabir Krambo, an American-born hippie-turned-Sufi whose faith gave him an anchor in life but not quite enough equanimity to deal with the foreign-born Muslims (he was " 'the token white guy' " on the board of his mosque) who don't always approve of his native ways. Krambo's mosque was destroyed by arson in 1994. The mystery of whether the attack was carried out by non-Muslim Americans or anti-Sufi Muslims provides a perfect example of the complex tensions that plague Barrett's characters.

Among scholars of terrorism these days, the accepted wisdom is that a major reason no second catastrophic attack on the United States has occurred is that the foot soldiers of jihad are not here—at least not in great numbers. Many Muslims in this country may be angry about U.S. foreign policy, but they are not alienated from American society or values. They are also more educated than the national norm, earn more than the norm, and are not ghettoized, as the Muslims of Europe are. ("American Muslims have bought into the American dream," my friend Marc Sageman, the author of Understanding Terror Networks, likes to say. "What is the European dream?")

But will it stay that way? One of the most moving chapters hints that it will. "The Activist" describes the trajectory of Mustafa Saied, an Indian-born Muslim who gravitates to the Muslim Brotherhood while in college and spends his time at rallies where the chant was "Idhbaahal Yahood" ("Slaughter the Jews"). He later renounces his extremism after intense conversation with other Muslims, one of whom persuades him that " 'the basic foundations of American values are very Islamic—freedom of religion, freedom of speech, toleration.' "

However, that there are some extremists afoot is clear from a chapter on Sami Omar al-Hussayen, the Saudi graduate student at the University of Idaho who was unsuccessfully prosecuted under the Patriot Act for giving material support to terrorists through his role as a Web master for a legal student group. The members of al-Hussayen's Islamic Assembly of North America are, at the very least, addicted to some deeply anti-American rhetoric, such as the writings of the "Awakening Sheikhs" of Saudi Arabia, Safar al-Hawali and Salman bin Fahd al-Awda.

I'm persuaded that America's culture of immigration has made a huge difference in shaping the attitudes of Muslims here. But other elements in the culture—rising Islamophobia, especially from the Christian right, and ham-handed law enforcement efforts, of the kind Barrett explores in his chapter on al-Hussayen—appear to be eroding some Muslims' sense of belonging. And, of course, there is our presence in Iraq, which appalls most American Muslims, including the Iraqi expats who once supported the invasion. Which way do you think the wind is blowing?

I'd also like your thoughts on one of the central themes of the book—that Islam, or at least one stream of it, is being remade by its encounter with America. This notion appears in several of Barrett's chapters, including the one on Asra Nomani, the former Journal reporter, single mother, and author of Standing Alone in Mecca, who confronted her hometown mosque in West Virginia with a determined campaign for equal treatment for women. In your superb book No god but God, you discuss the "Islamic Reformation" and mention, for example, European thinker Tariq Ramadan's contention that the synthesis of Islam and Western democratic ideals is driving the faith in that direction. Does Barrett's reportage suggest something similar is happening in the United States?

In any case, the changes that Barrett describes are encouraging. But as I think he would agree, it is impossible to say whether the stories he relates are indicative or isolated. What's your take?

Source : http://www.slate.com/id/2158114/entry/2158134/

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ramadan Iftar Recipes | Tasty Food From Malaysia

Today, we feature a recipe for a steamed almong cake, which is a popular way of making a cake in Malaysia. People use a large bamboo steamer or a large vegetable metal steamer over simmering water. The steamer should be large enough to hold the baking pan.

Steamed Almond Cake Recipe

Metal Steamer

Bamboo Steamer


2 cups flour
0.5 tsp. baking powder
6 eggs
1.5 cups castor sugar
3 tbs. almonds (cut into strips)


1) Put flour in a bowl and steam for 10 mins. Remove and spread on a piece of paper to cool.

2) Mix baking powder with flour and sift twice.

3) Beat eggs for 30 mins, adding sugar gradually.

4) Fold in flour and mix well.

5) Grease and line a round baking tin with greaseproof paper, cut larger than the bottom of tin.

6) Pour mixture into the tin and steam covered for 10 mins. Remove cover and sprinkle top with almonds. Cover again and steam for another 10-20mins.

7) Remove cake from tin. Cut into neat slices and serve hot or cold.

Almond Cake Batter

Steamed Almond Cake

Ramadan Message 2008 - Day 28 (Reminders Before Eid)

“That which you give in usury in order that it may increase on (other) people's property has no increase with Allah; but that which you give in charity, seeking Allah's countenance, has increase manifold. It is Allah Who has created you: further He has provided for your sustenance; then He will cause you to die; and again He will give you life. Are there any of your (false) "Partners" who can do any single one of these things? Glory to Him! And High is He above the partners they attribute (to Him)!"
(Qur'an 30 Verses 39-40)

The spirit of sharing and selflessness should be second nature to a Muslim. For a Muslim, the best way to get is by giving. The notion of social welfare for those on the lower ramp of the wealth ladder is directly entrenched in the pillars of Islam.

The zakaah, the 3rd pillar, is obligatory tax from the wealth for the poor and needy. However, there are other subtle means of encouraging the not so wealthy to give too. Generally, we are encouraged to be generous.

This is perfectly exemplified by our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who said: “O son of Adam, it is better for you if you spend your surplus (wealth), but if you withhold it, it is evil for you. There is (however) no reproach for you if you must withhold necessarily for survival. And begin (charity) with your dependants; and the upper hand is better than the lower hand.” (Muslim)

Fellow feeling and sharing is also an important lesson of Ramadan. The Prophet (peace be upon him) “…was the most generous amongst the people, and he used to be more so in the month of Ramadan when Angel Jubril visited him, …he used to be more generous than a fast wind (which causes rain and welfare).” (Bukhari)

This spirit of fellow feeling and selfless generosity strengthens our communal life. We look out for one another. We live for one another; like bricks supporting one another, forming a solid building.

Sadaqatul Fitr (sometimes called Zakatul-Fitr) is the obligatory material help extended to the poor of the society. It is given within a few days to the Eid day or on the day but before going for the Eid Prayer. (Bukhari) The recipient of the money is then able to prepare for the Eid celebration like the rest of the people. If we give Sadaqatul-Fitr early, the recipient is also able to plan early for the Eid celebration.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) made it incumbent upon the head of every able household to give the Sadaqatul-Fitr on all Muslim male and female members of the household (young or old, those who were able to fast and those who did not fast). Ibn Umar reported: “Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) ordered Sadaqatul-Fitr on behalf of the young and the old and the free and the slave –whoever you provide for.” (Baihaqi)

Sadaqatul Fitr is not a substitute for zakaah. Rather, it complements it. Sadaqatul-Fitr is obligatory even on those who may not be qualified to pay the Zakaah. Ramadan season is rounded up with the Sadaqatul-Fitr and the Eid prayer.

Four (4) handful (both hands cupped together) scoops of grain is the recommended quantity of Sadaqatul-Fitr per person. This is approximated as the equivalent to 1.75 kilograms of wheat or about 2.50%.

You may seek a poor household to benefit from your Sadaqatul-Fitr or you may give it to the designated body (charity groups) or the Imam of your local masjid to dispense on your behalf.

By helping the poor, we also help ourselves to gain Allah’s boundless bounty and infinite mercy, insha’Allah.

Ibn Abbas reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) enjoined Zakatul Fitr on the one who fasts to shield himself from any indecent act or speech, and for the purpose of providing food for the poor. It is accepted as Zakatul-Fitr for the person who pays it before the Eid salaah and it is a mere sadaqah for one who pays it after the salaah.” (Abu Dawud, Nasai & Ibn Majah).